April Sunshine and Clear Skies

Like many people who got glasses in childhood, I remember that first day of galloping around the house, shouting “I can see everything now!” I know it’s a common memory among specs-wearing kids—along with squinting, inching closer to the blackboard, using one eye, and pretending to be totally fine with sitting out all ball sports. You don’t know how flawed your micro-hacks are until the day those glasses arrive. 

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featuredAdele Griffin
My Funny Galentine

My best Galentine—always and forever—is my mom. I’m so lucky I landed a good one. Growing up, I could count on Mom celebrating Valentine’s Day with cards and chocolates and even a little gift for each of us three kids with our breakfast. But I remember it mostly as the day Mom went all-out shift-shaping food into hearts.

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featuredAdele Griffin
Between Work and Fun

Last month, as we were packing for a family trip to Mexico, my younger child cheekily suggested that I leave behind my trusty laptop. “Why should you use vacation time for work?” he asked.
“Because writing is Mom’s kind of fun,” explained my older son.

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Adele Griffin
November Faves

It can feel overwhelming to process the news cycles, and sometimes I have to consciously remind myself to detach from the digital world. So this month I’m sending along some things I’ve been enjoying lately, despite everything, and I hope the things that are bringing me some joy this fall can bring you some, too.

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Adele Griffin
In with the Old

When we first moved to Los Angeles, my kids made a game of asking new neighbors to guess the age of our dog, Gertrude, aka Trudy. The guest would check out Trudy’s droopy jowls, her soulful eyes, her “no-bones” vibe, and take a crack. Nine? Ten? Fifteen?

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Adele Griffin
Inside Sunshine with a Side of Chocolate-Chocolate Cake

First of all, thank you to everyone who wrote me after the launch of my newsletter. When I sent it out last month, a voice in my ear whispered maybe I’d do this once and never again—the old supposedly fun thing. But I hadn’t counted on the bonus of notes from friends filing my inbox, along with hellos from new signups. It was an unexpected, welcome thrill!

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Adele Griffin
January Sunshine

I’m launching this as a monthly update of all things books and cake and pets and vintage and a little bit about our new life in Los Angeles. And I’m calling it “Inside Sunshine” because it will never offer thoughts on hikes. Really, it’s mostly things to do in socks.

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Adele Griffin